We don’t often spend much time considering the gas we put into our boat’s tank, aside from when we’re actually filling up for a day on the water. But it’s a topic worth consideration: Did you know that traditional E10 ethanol-based gasoline can be really hard on your Whaler’s engine? Ethanol is a common culprit behind the rusting of fuel-system components and the formation of power-robbing carbon deposits (sometimes referred to as “gunk”). The good news is, there’s an easy solution — easier, in fact, than using a specially formulated additive. The solution is to fuel up with ValvTect Marine Gasoline. Let an expert tell you why:
“The main reason we sell ValvTect fuel is to make boating easier on our clients,” explains Roland Adams, general manager of several marinas in Texas. “They don’t have to decide which fuel additive to use or remember to add it when fueling.”
ValvTect Marine Gasoline is specially formulated to prevent the problems of ethanol gasoline, such as phase separation, moisture, poor stability and the aforementioned gunk. “Our clients are greatly concerned about the harmful effects of ethanol in their boat fuel and they feel better knowing that we sell fuel that is pretreated,” says Adams. “That way they don’t have to worry about what’s going into their boats.”
“We use a lot of fuel internally in our own vessels around the facility, I feel much better knowing we are using ValvTect fuel,” he continues. “In fact, we have seen a reduction of fuel related problems with in our fleet.”
To find a Certified ValvTect Marina Location in your area, visit valvtect.com.
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Options and features mentioned subject to change. Please confirm availability of all accessories and equipment with an authorized Boston Whaler Dealer.